Grief is a messy, complex, and ongoing process. Yet, we often struggle to talk about, experience, and witness grief. Grief becomes truncated, hidden. Through collective viewing of films that consider grief in different ways, we challenge the hidden nature of grief by naming it. In watching these films together, we consider grief as an experience that reveals the various ways we grieve and we challenge the individualization of grief; instead, we understand grief as an experience that reveals the beauty and necessity of our connections to people, places, and identities. Grief, following Judith Butler, “undo[es] us,” but, in that very undoing, it reveals who we are and what matters to us.
Kylie Burton and Elliott Kuss love watching movies and they love feeling feelings. They talk about this every week on their podcast Moody Movie Club. When they aren’t at Metro Cinema or watching a movie at home with their cat Thompson, Kylie is teaching high school English and Creative Writing while Elliott is art directing cool ad campaigns. Follow their weekly movie journey on IG: