Master/Sleaze Theatre

Master/Sleaze Theatre is a series of double features pairing art house classics with thematically related B-movies. As film lovers we appreciate a diverse range of films and we want to question the effect that aesthetics have on people’s perception of certain films. Often people conflate intellectual complexity with aesthetic sincerity, and in this series we want to delve into the shared thematic explorations of lauded masters and B-movie hucksters.


This series is programmed by two of Metro’s FOH staff.


About the programmers:


William Latham
I was born in New Zealand and on my right hand, a hand I’ve sometimes wondered if it wasn’t maybe too small for a man of my height, there is, inside the white skin of the middle finger itself, a long-callused burl of flesh against which I hold my pen, formed from years of writing about cinema and philosophy.


Kalan Kucera
Eons passed as rock pressed into rock. From this dead sphere life arose, slowly at first, then exploding into a kaleidoscope of diversity. Mountains fell, civilizations rose, oceans teemed. Eventually he appeared. He likes Doritos.