Did you know that some of the programming at Metro Cinema is done by community members? Every year we open up a call for submissions to the public where patrons can send us their curated ideas for screenings (it can be anything from a double bill, to an event, to a monthly series), and then our programming committee deliberates and narrows it down to a select few that we show throughout the year.
This month we present “Raquel Welch, I Presume?”, a double bill curated by Allan Mott.
Allan Mott is a professional writer and film lover whose published works includes Scary Movies, an examination of six of his favourite horror films. His online film writing includes pieces for XOJaneUK, The Pulp YEG, One Perfect Shot, Flick Attack, and Canuxploitation, while his more personal work can be found on his own site, VanityFear.com. In 2014, he found out a friend of his got a part-time gig as Raquel Welch’s personal assistant and he kinda freaked out a little. His friend told Raquel about the freak out and she tweeted him from her account the next day. He’s still not over it.
Curatorial Statement:
“Raquel Welch was a sex symbol who couldn’t hide her ambivalence—doing her best work playing beautiful women dealing with attention they never asked for. Her desire to be taken seriously was taken by many as a betrayal of the role society assigned to her. This double bill is dedicated to showing what could have been if filmmakers, critics, and audiences saw beyond her famous curves and actually listened to what she had to say. (Plus, there will be some fun musical numbers before each movie from her 1970 “million dollar” TV special, Raquel!)”
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