In the immense city of Tokyo, the darkness of the afterlife lurks some of its inhabitants who are desperately trying to escape the sadness and isolation of the modern world.
Screening in collaboration with professor William Carroll for EASIA 461 – Occult Cinephilia: Contemporary Japanese Horror in Film.
In the immense city of Tokyo, the darkness of the afterlife lurks some of its inhabitants who are desperately trying to escape the sadness and isolation of the modern world.
Screening in collaboration with professor William Carroll for EASIA 461 – Occult Cinephilia: Contemporary Japanese Horror in Film.
In the immense city of Tokyo, the darkness of the afterlife lurks some of its inhabitants who are desperately trying to escape the sadness and isolation of the modern world.
Screening in collaboration with professor William Carroll for EASIA 461 – Occult Cinephilia: Contemporary Japanese Horror in Film.
In the immense city of Tokyo, the darkness of the afterlife lurks some of its inhabitants who are desperately trying to escape the sadness and isolation of the modern world.
Screening in collaboration with professor William Carroll for EASIA 461 – Occult Cinephilia: Contemporary Japanese Horror in Film.
In the immense city of Tokyo, the darkness of the afterlife lurks some of its inhabitants who are desperately trying to escape the sadness and isolation of the modern world.
Screening in collaboration with professor William Carroll for EASIA 461 – Occult Cinephilia: Contemporary Japanese Horror in Film.