The featured exhibit runs July 1 – 31, 2023 in Metro Gallery in the Garneau Theatre lobby.
Artist Reception: July 13 at 5:30PM.
Artist: Laura La France
Artist Statement:
I started taking photos with 35mm disposable cameras in 2016—in part to prove to myself that I was an artist, and in part to seek a sense of identity as a settler on the Canadian prairies. I feel as temporary and fragile on this land as the abandoned homesteads and chewed up fields, and as fast-paced and thoughtless as the cities. I love this land and I love capturing it on film. My work with photography was largely replaced by Super 8 film in 2019. The same pursuit, the same drive, but with a different medium. Now, I look at my work and I can see who I was and who I am now; how differently I feel about myself and about my home, but that sense of fragility has never gone away.
Laura La France is a self-made director, editor and cinematographer based in Amiskwaciwâskahikan / Edmonton, Alberta. Laura works in a variety of styles and formats, with a specialty in Super 8 film production and editing. With her own documentary projects in the works, Laura shoots film for musicians, poets, weddings, breweries, tattoo parlours, film societies, and other artists’ movie projects.