The featured exhibit runs September 1-30, 2022 in Metro Gallery in the Garneau Theatre lobby.
Artist Reception: September 16 @ 5PM
Artist Statement
“In making new art, I was trying to end up with artwork I hadn’t seen before. These pieces on paper started out as being based on atypical reference photos. Once I was comfortable with that translation to paper, I set sights on resolving each picture by further additions of line, colour, and fill-ins. However comfortably successful or ultimately unsuccessful these may be to look at, they’re what became of each blank paper as the permanent marks were made. Similarly, the animations you can view here were made in a way where edits could only be made along the way from beginning to end because of the process I liked working through. The end of each animation left me with captured frames for a video along with any remaining physical parts along the way, or a working surface that wasn’t worked all the way to disintegrated paper.”
Jordan Rule made art within no focused chosen discipline while in art school in Grande Prairie and Lethbridge. After graduation he felt happy with subject matter through film photography, but has always still missed making artworks in the physical way he once did. It’s true animating preserved that to a degree, however these artworks here show him trying to find that again.