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Call for Gallery Submissions

Metro Cinema offers Edmonton unique cinematic experiences that engage, entertain, and educate. We invite artists working in any aspect of visual arts—two dimensional, three dimensional, or video—to submit their work to our gallery for consideration. The Metro Gallery is located in the lobby of the historic Garneau Theatre and has multiple areas for displaying art: 2 wall spaces, an enclosed display case, a projector and lobby screen, and a vintage television fitted for up to thirty minutes of video on a loop. Submissions may include the use of any or all of these areas.

In addition to a $200.00 honorarium, Metro Cinema offers the opportunity for artists to sell work during their exhibition. Work accepted will generally be programmed for a one-month period and scheduled to mutual satisfaction with selected artists.


Submission Requirements:

  • Artist CV with current contact information
  • Artist statement, and bio (each max 150 words)
  • Image list (title, medium, date made, dimensions)
  • 3-10 images of work proposed

All requirements must be submitted digitally (i.e. Images sent in JPEG format, word documents sent in PDF format, etc.) and should be labeled accordingly.



  • E-mail submissions to visualart@metrocinema.org with the topic line Gallery Submission.
  • Name your JPEG files as follows: 1yourname_titleofwork, 2yourname_titleofwork, etc.
  • Submissions must be appropriate for all ages.
  • Pieces must be ready to be installed upon arrival.


Additional Information:

  • Wall spaces are approx. 6′ high by 10.5′ wide.
  • Glass fronted display area is approx. 4′ high by 4′ wide by 2′ deep. There is power and illumination in the display area.
  • For digital display: 32″ color television, circa 1975. Can screen video up to 30 minutes, on a loop. Sound is optional.
  • A projector and smaller theatre screen in the lobby is also available for use.
  • Your artwork will be displayed for the duration of the month chosen.

Submissions accepted year round. For more information and to submit your work, e-mail visualart@metrocinema.org.


Gallery Layout:

Upcoming Accessibility Projects

With the return of spectacular weather, our thoughts turn to…renovations?

We’ll be closing the Garneau for ten days this summer, to start into extensive renovations that will see a third washroom—an accessible and inclusive washroom—added to the lobby. We’re also working on lifts for the front lobby that will make it much safer and more comfortable for patrons using wheelchairs. Metro is grateful for the support of the Edmonton Community Foundation in making these initiatives possible.

Unfortunately, this support won’t cover the full costs of making comfort and access for more Edmontonians. We are trying to find the last $5,000 to complete this work, and we’re hoping for your help. All donations to Metro’s operating fund in April will go toward our dream of making the Garneau a more inclusive and welcoming space. Any help you can offer would be very much appreciated.  Go to Canada Helps to make your tax-deductible donation.


Metro Cinema Presents… Close-Up – Episode 5 – May 2019

A monthly roundup of films and events coming soon to the historic Metro Cinema in Edmonton, Alberta.

As well as an overall look at the Metro calendar for May, this episode also features interviews with Alexis Kienlan as she discusses her selection of films Asian Canadian Heritage Month, and NorthwestFest Director of Programming Guy Lavalee. We’ll also be talking with Reel Revolution’s Michael Janz, and DEDFemme’s Lacey Paige and Sidney Marie Curtis.

This episode features music from local artists Mark Templeton, Pigeon Breeders, Boosh!, Westfalia, and Ryan Hegedus, as well as excerpts from Leonard J. Paul’s excellent procedural film score to Beep – A Documentary History Of Game Sound.


Metro Cinema Presents… Close-Up – Episode 4 – April 2019

A monthly roundup of films and events coming soon to the historic Metro Cinema in Edmonton, Alberta.

As well as an overall look at the Metro calendar for April, this episode also features interviews with some of our guest curators as we discuss their respective seasons – both new and ongoing – including Maggie Hardy’s Silent Sundays, Dave Clarke’s Banned In Alberta, Hitomi Suzuta’s Any Excuse For Food, and Scott McArthur’s Direct Play.

This episode also features music from local artists Mark Templeton, Pigeon Breeders, Westfalia, and Maggie Hardy, as well as excerpts from Leonard J. Paul’s excellent procedural film score to Beep – A Documentary History Of Game Sound. Follow the links below to hear more, and enjoy!

Of Paramount Importance

Created by Dylan Rhys Howard for Metro Cinema.
Special Thanks to City of Edmonton Archives and H. Jack Conway, Shirley Lowe, Blake McWilliam, and Evan Prosofsky.

This is part of a series of mini-documentaries about the history of the media arts in Edmonton, made possible with the generous support of the Edmonton Heritage Council and the City of Edmonton.

Eva Colmers

Created by Dylan Rhys Howard for Metro Cinema.
Special Thanks to Eva Colmers.

This is part of a series of mini-documentaries about the history of the media arts in Edmonton, made possible with the generous support of the Edmonton Heritage Council and the City of Edmonton.

Indie Spotlight: Joel Potrykus

Lindsey Campbell is a film scholar and cinephile with a passion for independent film. Last year, she was pleased to present a Kitchen Sink Realism retrospective at Metro Cinema. This year, she is excited to introduce Edmonton and Metro Cinema to the films of Indie director Joel Potrykus.

Potrykus, a true master of the micro-budget, all with a delightfully analog 90’s slacker throwback vibe, has been called “The New King of Underground Cinema” credited with inventing a new genre “metal slacker.” His animal trilogy–Coyote (2010), Ape (2012), Buzzard (2014)–and The Alchemist Cookbook (2016) are positively fresh and new, weird, visceral, and anarchic. A modern interpretation of Luis Buñuel’s The Exterminating Angel, Potrykus’s newest effort Relaxer (2018) premiered earlier this year at SXSW and for which Potrykus regular, Joshua Burge, won Best Actor at Fantasia International Film Festival in Montreal for his role.

Screening: March 26 at 7:00 pm


Screenings: March 30 at 7:00 pm & April 3 at 9:30 pm

If you’re bored with all the same ol’ same ol’ come check out something completely weird, new, and different!

By Lindsey Campbell

Metro Cinema Presents… Close-Up – Episode 3 – March 2019

A monthly roundup of films and events coming soon to the historic Metro Cinema in Edmonton, Alberta.

As well as an overall look at the Metro calendar for March, this episode also features interviews with some of our guest curators as we discuss their respective seasons – both new and ongoing – including Michael Janz’s Reel Revolution, Allan Mulholland’s Night Gallery, Liz Hay’s Kink On Screen, Geraldine Carr’s The Female Gaze, and Lacey Paige’s DEDfemme.

This episode also features music from local artists Mark Templeton, Pigeon Breeders, and Westfalia. Enjoy!

A Life of Constant Adventure

Created by Dylan Rhys Howard for Metro Cinema.
Special Thanks to Dylan Reade.

This is part of a series of mini-documentaries about the history of the media arts in Edmonton, made possible with the generous support of the Edmonton Heritage Council and the City of Edmonton.

Metro Cinema is Hiring Summer Students!

Metro is seeking engaged and passionate students to spend the summer helping to shape the future of Metro.

Cover letters and resumes may be sent in confidence to director@metrocinema.orgThe deadline for applications is March 1, 2019.

Metro Cinema Society

Metro Cinema is Edmonton’s community movie house, dedicated to the presentation of film and video in many forms. We program and host a thousand events each year at the historic Garneau Theatre.


Job Posting – Outreach Coordinator

Metro is seeking an engaged and passionate student to spend a summer helping to shape the future of Metro.  The Outreach Coordinator will be coordinating Metro’s volunteer activities, both with film screenings at the Garneau Theatre and with live remote events.  They will also work directly and through online research to build connections with community groups and schools, and will prepare for a ramp-up of fundraising activities in the season ahead. Exact duties will be tailored, as much as possible, to the successful applicants’ specific skills and interests.  This position will run approximately 16 weeks, starting on or about April 29th.

The successful applicant will be comfortable with both self-directed and team-based work environments, have experience with event management and possess strong oral and written communications skills. A familiarity with the film industry, marketing and communications systems, and volunteer management are all assets but not required.

This position may be funded in part through the Canada Summer Jobs Program or the Student Temporary Employment Program. Special consideration may be given to applicants between the ages of 15 and 30, and to full time students returning to studies in the fall.


Job Posting – Facility Assistant

Metro is seeking an engaged and passionate student to spend a summer helping to shape the future of Metro, and our home, the Garneau Theatre.  The Facility Assistant will assist with renovations to the lobby, auditorium and backstage areas of the Garneau Theatre, and with a series of construction and organizational projects throughout the summer.  Exact duties will be tailored, as much as possible, to the successful applicants’ specific skills and interests.  This position will run approximately 16 weeks, starting on or about April 29th.

The successful applicant will have experience with hands-on work, and have the ability to work both independently and with supervision. Construction or trades experience and a driver’s license are significant assets.

This position may be funded in part through the Canada Summer Jobs Program or the Student Temporary Employment Program. Special consideration may be given to applicants between the ages of 15 and 30, and to full time students returning to studies in the fall.


Job Posting – Communications Assistant

Metro is seeking an engaged and passionate student to spend a summer helping to shape the future of Metro.  The Communications Assistant will be involved both hands-on in assisting with film screenings and live events, and with a variety of administrative support tasks.  Duties will focus on Metro Cinema’s online presence, and on providing persuasive and clear information about our films and events on our web site, in printed materials, through social media and through public releases. Exact duties will be tailored, as much as possible, to the successful applicants’ specific skills and interests.  This position will run approximately 16 weeks, starting on or about April 29th.

The successful applicant will be comfortable with both self-directed and team-based work environments, have experience with social media marketing and possess strong writing skills. A familiarity with the film industry, broader marketing and communications systems, and volunteer management are all assets but not required.

This position may be funded in part through the Canada Summer Jobs Program or the Student Temporary Employment Program. Special consideration may be given to applicants between the ages of 15 and 30, and to full time students returning to studies in the fall.