Presented by CPAWS
The Eastern Slopes are the home of our headwaters, and the drinking water of more than 2 million Albertans. Dry Horizons explores the threats posed to them, and our regional water quality and quantity, by overuse and abuse, industrial resource extraction — including coal and forestry — and the failures of current government policy.
Produced by CPAWS Southern Alberta, the Pekisko Group, and Backcountry Hunters and Anglers and directed by Ryan HK, this compelling original film will educate and inspire Albertans of all backgrounds to take action to protect this vital place now and into the future.
The screening will be followed by a lively discussion and free beverages will be available. Tickets are on a sliding scale—please pay what you are comfortable with, as they do not denote preferred seating. If cost is a barrier, please reach out to Kat at communicationssab@cpaws.org.
No Metro Passes.